How To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Fishers

Those scorching summer days will often leave your Fishers apartment hot and sticky -- particularly when you live at the top of your building. You might increase the burden on the air conditioner for a quick respite and expect a more costly cooling bill. You could also spend all your free time at the pool. Better yet, use these helpful hints to stay cool in your apartment in Fishers.
Optimize Your A/C To Stay Cool In Your Apartment In Fishers

When you’re trying to stay cool in your apartment in Fishers, it’s tempting to turn up the A/C. Unfortunately, operating your air conditioner at top capacity may get expensive, and it’s not intended to cool off your unit more than 20 degrees below the outer air temperature. The better option is to run your A/C in a less demanding fashion by moving the thermostat to 78 degrees before you leave for your daily commute. This will prevent your place from becoming too warm without overburdening your A/C while you’re gone. After arriving home, turn it back down to a more comfortable temperature.
Regular service of your HVAC system lets your A/C operate in a more efficient manner as well. Ask your building maintenance technicians to inspect it and replace the air filters at least a couple times per year. A number of properties arrange for air filter installations throughout the year and provide the new filters for you. Let them know if you have any concerns.
Use Window Treatments To Block The Sun’s Heat

Windows are known to allow a fair amount of heat. Covering them with suitable window treatments will play a critical role in blocking the sun’s rays. Start by shutting the blinds completely. Even the white blinds found in a majority of apartments will divert a bit of the heat coming in from the sun. Then, install blackout window panels. These solid products block those warm ultraviolet rays and can help keep your unit several degrees cooler. The majority of apartment complexes don’t mind if you put up a curtain rod as long as you repair the drill holes before you move out.
If you enjoy the scenery of your apartment grounds too much to block your windows, you could place window films that reflect heat. This transparent product attaches to your windows and impedes solar heat but not your perspective. For additional protection, apply adhesive weatherstripping on your windows to keep hot air out and cool air inside.
Enhance Airflow And Comfort With Fans
Fans help ensure the right amount of ventilation and air movement within all of your rooms to help ensure consistent comfort. Set up a fan next to a vent to distribute cool air. If your apartment came with fans secured to your ceiling, set them to rotate in a counterclockwise manner. This causes the blades to push cool air downward.
If you have bathroom or kitchen exhaust fans, you should consider using these as well. Usually, these fans extract steamy air from your space and release it outside when showering or cooking, but they can be run any time you need them too. Power them on when you arrive home from a long day to eliminate the hot, stuffy air that collects in your apartment during the day while your A/C or ceiling fans switch it with more pleasant air.
Keep The Oven Off When It’s Hot

See How We Keep Things Cool At Spark Apartments
Spark has smartly designed floor plans, a range of sought-after amenities, and enticing surroundings--just what you require to ensure a fulfilling experience in every season. Our friendly team will give you the details about all we offer Residents when you call 463-210-1702 or schedule a tour.